Sunday, November 16, 2008


While visiting family last weekend, I saw some of the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. On Friday we went to Kemah. It's a way cute little town that has a fun carnival-type place and pretty little beach houses. Most people just drive their little golf carts around town. Way fun place. It makes you want to grow old and move there. Here are some pictures of damage around the Kemah area. Very sad...
on the back side of one of the boats up on land it read, "WE'RE OK". It made my heart just ache for all of the loss those people went through.Well, I thought that was bad. My brother in law and neice are both ham-radio operators (sorry if that's not what you guys are called...??) They were asked to help in Galveston after Ike. The whole family volunteered for so many hours cleaning up. My sister made food for so many families. I can't believe the strength their family has! Never thinking of themselves...just helping, no matter what. The Galveston area is in their stake and over 100 people in their stake completely lost their homes. They actually lived in the ward building for weeks. I cannot even imagine.

On Monday we went to Moody Gardens in Galveston. Only part of the attraction was open because so much of it was damaged from the hurricane. As we drove through the streets I was amazed at how much trash, sheet rock and debris was piled up on the road sides. And even more amazing was the BIG boats that were up on land. Heartwrenching. And to think so many people did not evacuate! My neice told us about when they were on their way to Galveston to help with hurricane clean up, there was boats in the middle of the freeway. What a scary thought!

As we left Galveston for the day, there was a gas station. (not the one pictured was a ton worse!) It was completely mangled. The rain was so bad I couldn't get a good picture of it.(I am not used to sheets of rain falling down. My sister said it was not that bad! I'm used to UT rain!) Anyway, it would have been a perfect description of all of the damage they endured.

Seeing all of that damage made me so sick inside. It made me feel safe and grateful that I live where I live. (Although I do wish I lived closer to my sis...)

So to anyone out there still dealing with loss from recent natural disasters, please know that I will think of you and pray for you.

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