Friday, June 27, 2008

easily replaced!

Last night after we tucked the girls in bed, Justin went out onto the deck and talked to Jon. For those of you who know Justin & Jon, their phone conversations can last HOURS! And on the same token, if you know me, you know that I don't even have to hit the pillow & I'm OUT! Well when Justin was done talking to Jon, he came upstairs and realized that he had been replaced!! I just looked at the pictue a bit closer...look how my mouth is all open and the SHEETS DON'T MATCH! Oh Lordy, I cannot believe that I am putting this on the blog! I can see Justin putting it on here as blackmale...oh well. You've gotta make it fun-right?


WALL-E came out today and we've been looking forward to seeing it in the theatre. So, Justin Tika, Carsun & I went to Spanish Fork today and met up with Rod, Melinda & Charlie. Melinda had gone earlier in the day and got all of us tickets just in case it was a sell-out matinee. Melinda, Rod & Charlie all had WALL-E cute!

We thoroughly enjoyed it. Well, except for the 15 little boys, all 8 & under who sat in the row directly behind us! During the previews it wasn't too bad, but when it's halfway through the movie and they're asking the kid 7 chairs down from them if they have any popcorn left and then yelling, "What's that robot going to do?" Tika kept turning around and going, "sshhh", And then I thought that maybe if an adult did it they'd shut their yappers. I told them to "BE QUIET" 2 times and turned around and GLARED with mean eyes 1 time. Reid was such a well mannered little boy too. I think Melinda & Rod only had to get up with him a couple times. So for this weeks movie pick, our entire family gives WALL-E 4 thumbs UP!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Monday the girls invited the neighbors over for some water fun. We bought a slip-n-slide, an elephant sprinkler and water balloons from Kings. They all had a great time outside.
Today after lunch the girls decided they'd give the slip-n-slide another try. Justin was fully clothed and decided to plop himelf on for a quick cool-down! (I was not fast enough getting the camera though...cause one time was enough for him...he wouldn't even let me take a pic of him in soaking clothes!) Genevieve got in on the fun, well, actually her fun was pretty much forced. The girls would hold her wugga over the slide so she had to get onit to get her ball! Then the girls began to chant: "Momma-Momma-Momma!" Justin wasn't any help either, but I looked at it this way...maybe they'll look back at the summer of 08' and remember their mom slippin' on the slip-n-slide in her clothes! It ended up being pretty fun though, I did it a few times! Slip-n-Slides are a classic summertime need!

Monday, June 23, 2008

you want to roast what?

I've heard people talk about roasting more than marshmallows over a campfire. But me, myself stick to what I know. Over the weekend on our camping trip, Eric convinced me that there is something just as fun as marshmallows....STARBURST!!! They brought "tropical" flavors, but I am almost certain that "original" would be just as delightful! So you stick a candy on the end of your roastin' stick and put it over the flames; turning frequently. After just minutes the outside is a bit soft. Because it is so hot, take care when removing it from your stick. Then when you pop it in your mouth, the outside is almost crispy and the inside a delectible gooey. Good Lord... That is an amazing treat. It might even become as important as making sure we have hot dogs to roaston our next camping excursion or even our next fire pit night!! If you have ever suggested to me to roast starburst and I looked at you in disgust...I do sincerely apologize!

Currant Creek

Camping...Take ONE

The above slide show is of our weekend camping trip! (way too many pictures to put in one post!)
A couple weeks ago my bestest friend in the whole entire world, Tara, called and asked if we wanted to go camping. "Of course!"I said. Anyway, we got online to reserve a site at the most excellent campground, Currant Creek. If you've never been, I highly recommend it. It has running water AND flushing toilets! It's like roughin' it, with 2 comforts of home! It is an absolutely beautiful place and it is not too far away.
We decided to leave Heber about 3:00 Friday. Well Tara got here @ 3:30 and Eric & Brittany got here at 4:00. Justin was fiddling with the boat and we finally rolled out of the driveway at 6:00. Yeah, that's pretty normal when it comes to us and camping. We never leave on time!

We decided to go up over Lake Creek, cause it's a lot faster than going around by Strawberry. We got all the way to the summit (only 14 miles further to Currant Creek) and there we stared at 2 feet of drifted, mushy SNOW! May I say that I am done with snow? Anyway, There were a couple trucks with camp trailers on them trying to turn around, so we waited and then Justin thought he had to give his "good ol' Ford" a try at it! Him & this other guy in a Chevy kept goofing around and pulling each other out of the snow and finally Justin got stuck. The guy helped us out and Tara said "that was enough and we needed to get going". Justin was trying to get the boat loaded back onto the truck , Tara & I started to tease him and CRASH!! He lost control of everything and smashed his pinkie in-between the truck and the boat trailer thing. I heard a crunching noise and then Justin's fowl-mouth blurt out a few choice words that I will edit out for the sake of young readers! Ouch! Tara, Tika & Carsun were the Medical Staff as I sat to the side trying not to puke! (thank heavens for First-Aid Kits in all of our vehicles!)By the time he was all fixed up and we were headed back down the hill, we were all starving. We had planned on having Hobo - Dinners that night but since it was 8:45 when we got back into Heber, we stopped at SubWay...the weirdest tasting Hobo-Dinners I've ever had! By 9:15 we were headed the long way to Currant Creek! We actually made really good time. We pulled into the campground at 10:20. As we drove down to our "RESERVED" campsite, there was a family headed to bed. We ended up talking to them about how we had reserved that spot and blah, blah, blah. Anyway- we went to find an empty spot for the night. We figured that we could work it all out in the morning. By that time it was almost 11:00. We decided to sleep in the cars rather than set up for the night. Uncomfortable fun! (the girls thought it was great...Tara, Eric & Brittany on the other hand, did not! They were squished!) The weekend turned out being super nice. The weather was beautiful and the campground was not very busy. Fishin' was AWESOME and the company was much needed! For not camping once all last summer, we did a great job getting back into the groove!

Monday, June 16, 2008


Tika, Carsun & the Naylor Girls all decided to set up a Lemonade Stand today. The "big" girls wanted to sell lemonade and the "little" girls decided to be different and sell fruit punch. We got big plastic cups, tables chairs & ice and what do you know...they were in business!

The little girls set up their fruit punch stand at the end of our cul-de-sac and immediately the neighborhood kids came running with quarters in hand. The big girls set up on the sidewalk behind our house on the corner to the subdivision. We were hoping that ny splitting them up they'd each get some business.

Tika & Alyssa were hilarious. They'd shout "LEMONADE!!" as the cars went zooming past. I told them if the business started to slow they could change their slogan to, "COLD Lemonade from HOT babes!" They were not impressed by my creativity! Who knows...It might have worked!

After selling the cold cupfuls for 50 cents (about an hour) The girls lowered their price and sold it for a quarter a cup. Business did pick up a bit!

Carsy and Meg were bored after about an hour and reduced their price to 10 cents a cup to try to get "more paying customers". What do you know, a couple of yard maintenance guys came up and bought 2 cups for $3.00! Wowza!! They were so proud of that, they up & quit...just like that! As you can tell by Carsy's expression, I waited too long to take the picture. She was "done" by this point!

All in all I think it was a good experience for all of them and who knows...we might be crazy enough to do it another time this summer!! Funny thing about it...Each of them took home $4.50 - not too bad for their first time!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sunday = Family fun!

Sunday was our monthly family dinner on Justin's side of the family. We all headed out to the Epps Funny Farm for an enjoyable evening of eachother's company. We all took our own "hobo" dinners and cooked them in the fire pit. It was fun to see all of the creations we all came up with to put in our foil packages! Ours had steak, mushrooms, potatoes, carrots & zuchinni! mmmmm...(gourmet eh?)It was really nice to visit with everybody...and the weather turned out being pretty nice too!

Tika & Carsun have been on Grandpa's case to put the trampoline up, but since he was a bit worn out, he gave them the instructions and sent them on a misssion. They did an awesome job too!

After dinner, we took the kids to my dad's house for a campout they had planned. It was way late, but they still set the tent up in the dark! The girls shared a tent and Chucky slept in his own. The girls used a tent that I used to camp in when I was young! It sure brought back a ton of memories...even just helping set it up! The next morning the girls & Chucky had muffins & hot cocoa outside!

What a fun memory!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

one week down...and how many more to go?

Ah, the joys of summer... the birds chirping, weeds being pulled, a nice morning breeze and the sound of my 2 beautiful daughters fighting! Well one week of summer has flown by - and we've had numerous fights. Sometimes I wish there was no summer - cause I feel like I have to do something every day. I know it's not true - but seems like in the summer, the kids become a bit more demanding! So last week I promised the girls I'd take them to the pool and they wanted to make "home made " chocolate chip cookies. See 12 years ago when I got married I did everything home made. 12 years ago I also was pregnant, not working and had all day to do that sort of thing while Justin was at work. So the other night he announced that mommy used to be nice and make "real" cookies... not the frozen ones I make now. (hello? they're way easy & NO mess!) I told the girls we'd go shopping for the ingredients and make them before we went to the pool. That was fun! (carsun is beginning to accept all of the pictures I take to put on the blog! It's about time!)
The pictures are to prove to my hubber that I still know how to make home made chocolate chip cookies!!! :)

The pool was enjoyable too!