Monday, October 27, 2008

8th of the 8th...

Okay , since my 4th of the 4th was so ridiculously BORING...I decided I'd add 4 and do the 8th of the 8th.

Let's hope it is a better picture experience for me!

So---for those of you that did the 4th of the 4th - let's do the 8th of the 8th!

C'mon Rach, Texas neice, endohamsail and whoever else wants to join in on the FUN!!!

Here's MY 8th of the 8th...

Okay - I feel like this is a Much better photo than my 4th! But come to think of it, my 4th & 8th are pictures of houses! oh least this one has a bit more of a story behind it!!!

This picture was taken on February 9, 2008 at my parents house.

There was so much snow! Notice the living room window on the right! The girls and I went to help dad shovel so that the basement would not flood. Thankfully it did'nt, we had an afternoon of playing in the snow! Even Genevieve played in it!

Okay to do the 8th of the 8th...

  • go to your pictures
  • from the 8th file, select the 8th photo
  • upload it to your blog
  • write a post about it

1 comment:

Jibe Ho said...

This much snow has to be worse than an accidental jibe.