Tuesday, October 21, 2008

4th of the 4th

Okay, a couple of my friends have done this on their blogs, so I decided to try it. I'm also trying to convince my neice to do it on her blog. :)

The way I understand the rules is:
  • go to your pictures
  • select the 4th file
  • from that 4th file, select the 4th picture
  • upload it to your blog
  • write a post about it

So, I think I have done it right. In my pictures on the computer, they are alphabetized...so #'s are first. This file was titled with our address. What a BORING picture! I might have to re-do this in a couple days and re-title it 'the 16th of the 16th' or something!

This picture was taken on 07/04/07. We had just moved in to our house and I was taking pictures in & around the house to email them to my sister. See, I told you - boring huh? There's really nothing else to say about it either!

B~ O~ R~ I~ N~ G~


Jenny said...

you and me both, we will find a picture that we want to blog about and then call it, example 4th of 136th. Beautiful house BTW

Unknown said...

I really like the picture of your house. It's a beautiful house, can I have a tour?

Rachel said...

not too boring, pretty house! When you do the 16th of the 16th, I will too

Jibe Ho said...

Yo *Crusan, you can now check out my blog. It is called Accidental Jibe. Sis sent you an e-mail with the address. I don't have much on there but I have a great title. I like your house. I have never seen it before. Well that is all I have to say. Hope all is good.

Jibe Ho said...

Yo *Crusan, you can now check out my blog. It is called Accidental Jibe. Sis sent you an e-mail with the address. I don't have much on there but I have a great title. I like your house. I have never seen it before. Well that is all I have to say. Hope all is good.

Jibe Ho said...

Yo *Crusan, you can now check out my blog. It is called Accidental Jibe. Sis sent you an e-mail with the address. I don't have much on there but I have a great title. I like your house. I have never seen it before. Well that is all I have to say. Hope all is good.