Monday, September 15, 2008

We'll keep the blog!

Well everyone, the votes are in...
And the majority of the votes cast suggested we continue the blog where we left off 5 (now 6 ) weeks ago!
I am glad, cause what would I do if I got all the votes back & you'd suggested to delete it? I probably would have ignored you all!!
The point of having the poll was to kind of get the "word out" in a way that way that was easier than running into everyone at the store, having them ask how "we" were and me opening a huge can of worms about divorce and then the tears would start to flow and so on and so on...
So - - once the girls are in bed tonight I am planning on doing a MASSIVE blog update that will consist of 6 weeks. In addition to all of the stress in my life, I have managed to do a few fun things with the kids. I hope you can all find a few minutes throughout the week to catch up on all that the "Epps Girls" have been up to!


Jenny said...

I love you Crusan! You and your family are in my prayers! I am excited to see what you and the girls have been doing the past few weeks! Call or email me anytime! LOVE JENN

Unknown said...

Crusan, I'm so glad you decided to keep the blog. It's always fun to see what you and your girls are up to.

Anonymous said...

I thought you said that you were posting a massive update. Chop-Chop!! I'm waiting! ( Do you remember when we did that to Tymber on her blog?) Ha, ha! I'm glad you kept the blog. Love your guts Sis!!

Rachel said...

I LOVE that picture of you and your girls in the GORGEOUS garden. I LOVE that garden! I am thinking St George, right? Just because I know you went there recently. I need a garden like that.
I am excited to see more pics and hear about the going ons of Crusan!