Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some COW!!!!! :)

For those of you who know my OBSESSION with COWS…this one’s for you!
I know an OX is not truly a COW…but close enough I say!! I kissed an OX today. “gary” was quite friendly. I tried to just say hello and talk a little to “gabe” but he was a tad-bit grouchy. I sang them my little cow song. It goes something like this…”oh some cow and you want to go-wa la doodie and la-donda oh you little cow…” I could have stayed with those oxen all day if they would have let me. The 2 men that were there were probably certain that I was “on something”, but I wasn’t I was just overjoyed!! Tika & Carsun were so embarrassed, but gary & gabe made my day! (that’s why they get their own post& slideshow {below})


Jenny said...

Gary and Gabe are sooo cute! You are so cute too! I remember when Jacob was about 10 month old my dad took him down to see the cow's at our farm in Idaho. A cow came over and licked him on the face my dad was shocked when he turned and realized what had happened. These are not milking friendly cows these were beef cows. I am sure Gabe and Gary bonded with you!

Anonymous said...

What a funny little obsession you have! That cracks me up. What a fun trip you had, I bet your girls had a super time seeing everything AND playing with cousins.
