So much has gone on so I figured I better take a few minutes and catch everyone up!!
The girls and I went with Melinda's Family to the Utah Valley Llama Fest. What an event that is! If you are interested, it is held the 3rd weekend in July in Spanish Fork at the Lotus Temple. (It was a really beautiful temple. We even got to go inside a look around) They had a Llama rodeo, a petting zoo, food and music. It was a ton of fun! Here are a few pictures...

Then on Pioneer Day, Melinda & Rod marched with their Army Unit in the Day's of 47' Parade. We had Reid sleep over and we went to SLC and watched the parade. It was fun! I enjoy stuff like that. It did start to get pretty hot - then it was not so much fun! Here are a few pictures from the parade...

After the parade, we went and met up with Richard & KayeDawn @ Fort Douglas for "family day". It was fun. There was games and food and prizes. Reid was not feel ing too well, so I brought him home while Melinda & Rod finished working.

Fair Days in Heber always starts off with a derby, and for the last 6 years we have made it a bit of a tradtion. The first year it was on my birthday. Part of the fun is getting together, having dinner, cake& ice cream and then heading to the Derby. This year was by far one of my favorites! The rain made it so fun! At first it was a bit discouraging, but it let up and cooled down the hot evening. Melinda & Rod came up for it and they ended up leaving early. Shortly after they left, the rain stopped! (too bad they didn't stay!) At one point, we noticed all of the people's hair around us was standing UP!! Straight UP! (the lighting was a tad-bit scary) But over all I think we all had a great time! I don't know what it is about cars & trucks crashing that is so fun! I LOVE IT! Someday I think I'll drive my Honda in the Herby Derby! now that would be an AWESOME birthday!!

So there's a bit of an update...there will be more to come!