Monday, May 5, 2008


A couple years ago, KayeDawn, aka "Mother-in-Law", talked me into a block of the month quilting class. A while later, I joined the Heber Valley Quilt Guild. It is a group of women who meet once a month and have lessons on different quilting things.

Once a year these crazy ladies go on what they call a quilting retreat. KayeDawn & I went last year and had a stupendous time. We stayed up late ito the night and sewed & sewed & sewed. Well this year we decided to go again!

Here is a picture of the volunteer sewing sweat factory! Sew much FUN!! The entire living area of a condo was filled with tables, sewing machines, irons, cutting tables & ladies!

Once again we made it a tradition of laughing, talking & wacthing (well listening to) chick flicks until 2:30 am. and for some reason, my body decided to get up at 6:30am!

The next morning we all sewed again, ate breakfast, sewed some more, ate candy, sewed a bit more, had leftovers for lunch, sewed more and decided to go home around 4:00.

I had such a fun time with KayeDawn. Everyone needs girl time now and again!


Jenny said...

How exciting, Girl time! It was fun to get to know you and your MIL better! Love the stories, love the projects, love the experience!

Jenny said...

oh and Justin I love that you posted the snow sculpture! TOO funny!
I guess it really does say it all!

Anonymous said...

dang you two are cute, I meant KayeDawn and you, but I better say you and Justin are so cute too.
Cute family, can't wait to see what is going on in Crusan's world!